Thursday, November 15, 2007

Lesson Thirteen: Revision (upper air)

Due to spending so much time away from training, an instructor thought it would be a good idea for me to do a revison lesson to go over the basic maneuveres - turns, climbs, descents, and stalls.

The instructor asked me what I wanted to do, and thought we had better start with the basics, medium turns. These were pretty average, as I had wasn't keeping the nose up enough, and therefore we were losing quite a bit of height. Second time round was almost as bad, but third was much better. We then did a couple of right hand turns, as we had just been doing left hand ones before.

We finished off by doing some basic stalls, these wern't the best, as for the first couple I recovered at the stall warning by mistake. Third time round was better, although I still was getting a bit mixed up with raising the nose, etc. Might go over those again before going solo as I'm not fully confident with them yet.

We then returned for landing, I cant quite remember what the approach was like, but I am still having a bit of trouble judging the flare height. I was reading through my training manual afterwards and it recommended to look straight ahead and to the side a little, will try that next time. A full hours flight time in the log book, and some well needed revision.

Flight time: 1.0 hrs
Total flying time: 9.9 hrs

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