Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Lesson Eighteen: Circuits

Well I feel that was much better than last time. I had a different instructor today, and was showen a way of doing your checks which is just to work from top to bottom. This seems to make more sense but I think keeping the checks by the book will make it easier for me to remember (therefore I can study at home).

This lesson we did 2 go arounds, which was better than last time anyway. The reason for these was because I was too high on finals and I didn't lose enough height quickly. I am still finding it a bit hard to judge the approach because in my opnion the runway looks different from the approach picture in the training manual.

My third circuit was a bit confusing as we had to turn very quickly onto base leg after takeoff as there was an ATR about to depart on the parallel runway. I had a much better landing even though it was a little hard and a bit off the centerline.

Fourth circuit was better again, I mainained circuit height better and my approach was a heck of a lot better. We landed on the tarmac with a bit of a thud and taxied back to the club. Had to fuel up, too.

After shutdown we had a quick de-briefing in the aircraft, the instructor said I am good at following instuctions (yay) and just need to 'think ahead' a little more as it starts to get a bit busy. Also need to start losing height a bit quicker on finals as I tend to end up too high, but I guess it just takes pracice. Instructor also asked if I have done the emergency briefing (EFATO's, forced landings, etc) so I must be making progress if she were to say that.

Next lesson booked for Saturday, although weather isn't looking to good. Fingers crossed.


Kiwi Flyer said...

Yeah that's true guys. I too have wondered if the instructors are actually paying attention half the time, but they definitely know whats going on, thats for sure.

I also tend to get a bit distracted waiting for a chance to call downwind and I lose/gain altitude or airspeed, but I guess in time it'l be easier to multi task.

Cheers guys.

Chris Nielsen said...

If the radio's busy, get your downwind checks out of the way early, fly the plane, and when you can get your call in, do so.. And by the same token, if the radio's quiet, get your radio call done pronto so you're not extending downwind to Glenview :)

Flyinkiwi said...

I'll be out at the club first thing Saturday morning for some circuits (weather permitting). Hopefully I'll see you out there.

And don't worry about those circuits. By the time you finish your solo consolidation you'll be able to fly them in your sleep.

Hearing you speak of Maree's method for downwind checks it reminded me of one of the great things about flying with different instructors. They will each say or do something that just clicks in your head and you think to yourself, "of course! Why didn't I think of that?" Not only will you have a useful tool to help you in your flying, you know you will never ever forget it. Now that you are in the circuit try to fly with all the different instructors at the Club and see what tips you can pick up. Hopefully they'll each give you one trick you can make your own.

Chris Nielsen said...

And I'll be out there on Saturday as well so I can go with Roger to do some aerial photography for someone...

Oh, and by the way, let me know if you want a copy of the Alpha instrument panel poster hanging in the briefing room, I've got the original file here.

Kiwi Flyer said...

Euan - Yeah I'm booked in at 11 so I might miss you? weathers not looking to great but might be ok. I seem to be making progress each lesson so thats good, as you say by the time of finishing cosolidation I will have got the hang of it. Make sure I'll say hello if I do. What plane are you flying, I'll look out for you.

Chris - Oh awesome, yeah that'l be cool doing the photography. Free flight I guess, too. Yes I wouldn't mind a copy of the Alpha photo long as you dont mind, blow it up and hang it in my room... (I'll be able to do checks in my sleep...) Did you end up rebooking the Arrow for next Saturday?

Cheers Jarred

Chris Nielsen said...

I'll stick it on a CD for you. You can blow it up as big as you like!!!

I have the Arrow all day next Saturday, I'm getting all keen to go now.. There might be 1 or 2 other people coming, have to see closer to the time. I also will go and do some circuits first before we take it, haven't flown for a month and it's always good to do a few circuits first to stay sharp

Chris Nielsen said...

In fact, if you wait a week I've got a slide here of the panel that I shot with my Nikon film camera and wide angle lens that I'm getting drum scanned this week that should look much nicer than the crappy digital one I took that is hanging on the wall... I'll fire that on a CD for you as well...

Kiwi Flyer said...

Awesome, looking forward to Saturday Chris should be a nice flight if the weather holds..

Shit, cd with photos would be wicked, much appreciated. I owe you a beer (if I could buy you one).. Just wait nine months mate...

Thanks again Chris.

Chris Nielsen said...

If the weather is good it should be a cracker of a day on Saturday, Tauranga's a nice place to fly to, in the Arrow if we don't stop it's only 0.9 to go there and back. If the weather is crap, we can go somewhere else instead, I just want to go *somewhere* !!!