Monday, December 17, 2007

Flight to Tauranga

Last Saturday I was lucky enough to be offered a flight by another blogger (and club member), destination Tauranga. This would be be my first flight to another airport in a light plane, as a passenger, and in the Arrow.

We met in the clubhouse around 10am and a bit after that we took off. We climbed up off 36, and headed for Tauranga. En route Chris and Euan pointed out Matamata airfield, I was told they had a longer grass strip than Hamilton which was interesting. It was a smooth flight until we reached the Kaimai ranges where we had a small period of turbulence which bumped us round a bit, but that was all good.

Descending into Tauranga was awesome, you fly straight over the port, which was great compared to the Hamilton approach over farmland. Had a nice approach down onto the tarmac before taxiing over to the airport museum for shutdown. We then had a quick look through the museum before heading back to the aircraft.

Departing from Tauranga it was easy to pick out a few noticable landmarks, such as Baypark Stadium, and I think the Bayfair Shopping Centre?? Relatively straight forward flight home, located Matamata again, and then joined the circuit for 36 for a nice touchdown.

I snapped a number of pics but nothing flash so I cant really be bothered resizing them...

Thanks to Chris for taking me, was an awesome experience. Cant wait to be able to do it myself...


Chris Nielsen said...

Glad you enjoyed it mate! I'll let you know if I am going to go anywhere else interesting!

Flyinkiwi said...

The next time I go to Ardmore I'll let you know. Its an awesome place to visit.

Kiwi Flyer said...

Wicked, thanks guys. Ordered my VFG the other day, there's now a mysteriously shaped present under our Christmas tree... :)

Chris Nielsen said...

It's probably a bomb :-)

Kiwi Flyer said...

Haha, you never no...