Friday, December 14, 2007


Drove out to the aero club yesterday to find out the Alpha I was spose to be flying in had a maintenance issue. The instructor told me it had a burning smell, and for obvious reasons grounded it for it to be checked out by an engineer. They said if I wait round for an hour or so they might have it up and running again, but unfortunately that didn't eventuate.

So that was a bugger but nothing can be done about it, it will however be interesting to see what the problem was during my next lesson on Thursday, or possibly when I'm out at the club tommorrow.


Chris Nielsen said...

Yeah, that's got to suck.. What's even more annoying is when you get all preflighted, taxi out and something breaks during run-up. Then you gotta bring it back and go through the whole rigmarole with another plane, hoping that doesn't break down on you too :-)

I'll give you a holler tomorrow, I'll be up doing circuits first thing, will see what it looks like then...

Kiwi Flyer said...

Yeah I reckon, that would suck ae. Shows the importance of a run up if a fault is found doesn't it.

Awesome, look forward to hearing from you tommorrow morning.
