Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Finally an update!!

Well after feeling slightly guilty over the last month for not posting anything, thought I'd better give an update.

Been doing plenty of flying lately, awesome weather. Still stuck in the cicuit, and doing the emergency procedures which consists of EFATO's, glide approaches, flapless landings and abandoned take offs.

Only done a couple of the latter, seem relatively straight forward so I guess we dont do too much on them. Obviously we would be doing more if the instructors were concerned so thats good to know.

EFATO's are interesting, took a while for me to start getting use to them but I seem to be getting better at them now (excluding my last lesson..)Glide approaches are probably the most interesting, its awesome when you touch down on the runway knowing that you've just completed a safe landing without engine power. Flapless landings seem to be OK, but I have a bit of trouble with my approach height during this exercise, although this should improve over time.

My general flying is OK, but there is a couple of things which I still have trouble with which is mainly maintaining balance and height during the circuit. Time still seems to be getting away on a bit.

My latest lesson was a bit miserable to say the least, just wasn't my day. Hopefully next time will be better.